Data-to-Decision Accelerator:

Data Engineering

The path to making high quality decisions based on data is a complex undertaking.

Find out where you should focus next to unlock the most value

How It Works

All good outcomes start with collaboration. Our team works together with your business and technical stakeholders to understand your data and how it relates to your business.

In our Data Engineering offering we work with your team to develop a domain model of the business entities and relationships that your business is organized around.

Through that process we define a common data model and architect a unified data hub for your needs.

Common Challenges

We help our clients overcome data challenges

Onboarding new data sets and Data Integration

Creating cleansing and transformation scripting and production error handling

Launching new data engineering infrastructure and data ops

Common Data Model enhancements and refactoring

Common Data Model enhancements and refactoring

Key outcomes

Accelerate Analytics Development

Deepen Insights based on cleaner data and relationship models

Accelerate Data Source Ingestion

Rapidly Scale Data Solutions

Develop training on data ecosystem best practices, onboarding and operations

Key Outputs

A Common Data Model (CDM)

A database structure purpose built to your business needs that serves as a common well organized source to drive analytics from.

Data Pipelines

Finalized Data Pipelines from input through ETL and Validation to the CDM

Data Management Infrastructure

To support Data Onboarding, Data Processing Job management and production error reporting and resolutions.

Operational and Data Model Documentation

Fully documented data structures and data flow procedures from inputs through internal processing jobs to API outputs. All the documentation you need to operate your data ecosystem.